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There has been an increase in the number of colon cancer cases in the world and even India. Most colon cancer patients suffer digestive problems and disorders, which are a big tell tale signs. But they tend to attribute it to their eating habits and food choice. So how do you draw the line between symptoms or causes of colon cancer and those of digestive disorders? Dr. J.B. Sharma, Medical Oncology with Delhi based Action Cancer Hospital joins the dots and lists out the causes of colon cancer and the symptoms of colon cancer.
Causes of colon cancer: History of Bowel disease
People who suffer from inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) are at increased risk for colon cancer because the tissue of the colon is inflamed for a long period of time. Ulcerative colitis increases this risk. So, the longer one suffers from IBD, the greater chances they have of developing colon cancer. This is because inflamed areas of the colon can give rise to abnormally-developed cells, which gradually, can give rise to cancer cells.
Causes of colon cancer: Polyps
Colorectal polyps are the greatest risk factor. A polyp usually looks like a ball on a stalk, sticking out from the inner wall of the colon. It may cause rectal bleeding, although this is often hidden in the stool. An average new polyp has a 2.5% chance of becoming cancerous in its first 5 years, and a 24% chance of becoming cancerous after 20 years. Larger polyps are more likely to become cancerous.
Causes of colon cancer: Alcohol
Research has indicated that alcohol increases colorectal cancer risk. There is medical consensus that drinking alcoholic beverages in moderation is not a risk factor for colorectal cancer however, heavy drinking may increase the odds of the disease.
Causes of colon cancer: Smoking
Long-term cigarette smoking causes colon cancer for two main reasons. First, inhaled or swallowed tobacco smoke transports carcinogens to the colon. Second, tobacco use appears to increase polyp size.
Causes of colon cancer: Diet
Diets also contribute to the risks of colorectal cancer. People whose diets are high in fruits and vegetables seem to have a reduced risk. Various studies implicate animal fat and protein as promoters of colorectal cancer, although researchers are a bit cautious about reaching to any definite conclusions. Some studies also show that regular intake of red meat, which is rich in saturated fat and protein, increases the risk.
Causes of colon cancer: Lack of Exercise
People who are not physically active are probably more prone to the colon cancer. A study has found that increased body weight and decreased levels of physical activity are only associated with an increased risk for colorectal cancer that tests negative for the biomarker CTNNB1.
A higher Body Mass Index (BMI) has been linked with a significantly higher risk for CTNNB1- negative colorectal cancer whereas physical activity has been associated with a significantly lower risk for CTNNB1-negative colorectal cancer.
Causes of colon cancer: Obesity
Obesity is a medical term that indicates that someone has exceeded their recommended weight, one step beyond simply being overweight. Obesity has also been associated with an increased risk of colorectal cancer. Obese men are 50% more likely to develop bowel cancer than people with a healthy weight. Those with a body mass index (BMI) of over 40 are twice as likely to develop this type of cancer. Meanwhile, obese women have a lower chance of developing bowel cancer but morbidly obese women are 50% more likely to develop bowel cancer than women with a healthy weight.
*Images courtesy: ? Thinkstock photos/ Getty Images

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Source: http://healthmeup.com/news-healthy-living/are-you-at-risk-of-developing-colon-cancer/20085
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